music random thoughts tech

Radiohead – In Rainbows

Just a short note to all you Radiohead fanatics… don’t forget, In Rainbows is released in a few hours. Forget? Who are we kidding? I mean… YOU didn’t forget, right?

music tech

Radiohead and Farryl Purkiss

Unfortunately this will have to be a quickie today (no matter how mature you get, that line always gives a twinge of a chuckle), but time waits for no man! So, quickly: The news has spread that Radiohead have placed a price on their new album, “In Rainbows”. The price? Whatever you want to pay […]


Bruce Springsteen – Radio Nowhere

Teaming up with his old posse, the E-Street Band, Bruce Springsteen has released his new single, “Radio Nowhere”, from his latest album, “Magic”. It’s about bloody time. Bruce may be on this side of 60 these days, but he’s still standing. And rocking. Emphatically. The guitar intro and “pounding drums” may sound extremely generic these […]

music tech – My new Friend

Ok, so this might not be news to some of you, but to others, it certainly will be.   Online social music sites have definitely blossomed over the last few years, but I always keep my eye out for another to add to the arsenal. Some of my favourites in the past were (the […]


Damien Rice – 9 Crimes

I dare you to find a more raw, honest song that has been released in the last few years. Although I’ve been listening to the song for a while now, I was only recently exposed to this music video. [youtube=] Fittingly, considering the song, the video itself leaves me breathless. “That which is lost, that […]

artists to watch for in 2008 music music videos rock gods

The Damnwells – Golden Days

I don’t think I’ve been this excited for a “band documentary” since Last Dispatch, featuring only my favourite band of all time, Dispatch. This time it’s “Golden Days” that has me in a lather, featuring The Damnwells. And if you haven’t heard their music(there’s some on their myspace), get going man! Their Golden Days Ep, […]

random thoughts religion

Just a quick thought on the “RRS vs God Squad” debate

So here’s the thing right… after being directed to the “Way of the Master” website, I was intrigued as to what some other people’s reactions would be. While I’m certainly no great Christian, I can see some of what they are trying to do. But on the other hand, it seems to me that the WOTM people certainly verge into the realm of fear mongering