2011 releases music videos

Ben Howard – London & Wolves [VIDEOS]

You know, it really is crazy to think that it’s already been two years since I originally tipped Ben Howard on this blog as one to watch, and I’m still eagerly awaiting the drop of his debut LP (due out in just a few months). In the meantime, while we wait, here are a few […]

2011 releases

“New” Ryan Adams – Shine Through the Dark [STREAM]

My days don’t get much better than when I get to put out posts regarding new Ryan Adams tunes. According Under The Mag where this premiered, “Shine Through the Dark” was recorded by Adams post-meltdown, while lying in bed with the flu. Our favourite artist, Mr DRA calls it “The first track I wrote after […]


Andy Hull – How I Waited

So if you’re a fan of Manchester Orchestra, and specifically Andy Hull, then you should probably stop reading right now, and head right on over to his new tumblr blog, Something For Somebody Somewhere. The thing is an absolute treasure trove right now, with Hull posting streams and downloads of out-takes, demos solo tunes. Below, […]

2011 releases

Kurt Vile – Baby’s Arms

You know, I tend to shy away from posting the “pitched” stuff on this blog. I like just going out there and finding things myself, rather than relying on being pitched material by label shills. So when the latest one came through saying “New music video filmed totally on Windows Phones”, I thought that this […]

live songs

New Mumford & Sons – Home

Sophomore album pressure? Looks like Mumford & Sons don’t know the meaning of the term. Despite having that ever-so-slightly weighty debut release hanging over their heads, the boys show no signs of feeling anxiety. First they brought us that beautiful cover of England, and now – thanks to KBCO – we can hear this live […]

2011 releases

The Horrible Crowes – Black Betty & The Moon [PREVIEW]

Brian Fallon could pretty much play the nose flute, and I’d give it a listen to see how it goes. After all, the Gaslight Anthem were responsible for one of my “albums of the decade”, “The ’59 Sound”. So when I heard that Brian had teamed up with Ian Perkins to form “The Horrible Crowes”, […]

2011 releases

Full Album Stream: Chadwick Stokes – Simmerkane II

There are few bands who ever affected me the way Dispatch did. And so, when Dispatch sadly called it quits back around 2004, I followed each of the individual band members’ new musical projects with interest. My love affair with Pete Francis is no secret, and I find Braddigan just so inspiring. But the only […]

2011 releases music videos

Bon Iver on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon – Holocene

So… yeah, I know there’s a lot of Bon Iver posts floating around here lately, but what do you expect? The album’s officially dropped now (even though you could stream it two weeks ago if you’d been paying attention) and the promo circuit is well and truly heating up. But hell… as long as the […]