2006 releases digital downloads music post a day week

Post-A-Day Week: Electric President – Insomnia

Post-A-Day Week: It’s not often over a weekend that I’ll be sent enough songs to make up a week of posts. So, this week, I’ve decided to put up a post a day, as opposed to lumping them all into one confusing mess, as I am wont to do.

If you prefer the big mass posts, then let me know; but I think this might be easier to digest. Today we’ll be starting off with:


Electric President – Insomnia


Electric President - Insomnia


Something different from the usual fare on this blog to start off the week. I stumbled across Electric President only recently; actually when I was introduced to the band, Radical Face. Electric President is the side-project for Radical Face’s frontman, Ben Cooper, and Alex Kane.

While this track was originally released in 2006 (I know, slow pick up much?) on the self-titled album, it still remains an exciting tune. Somewhat part Postal Service, some parts Myslovitz, Ben Cooper has an intriguing, plaintive voice that demands you listen with a whisper. While the electronic touches may not be for everyone – again, think Postal Service – it’s well-worth a listen.

For more songs, check out their official page on the Radical Face site. In the meantime, however, here’s Insomnia by Electric President for your aural pleasure.

Listen: Electric President – Insomnia

By Burgo

Once upon a time was in a band. Now writes (all too infrequently) about good music at Burgo's Music Blog; about personal musings at The Home of Matt Burgess; and about marketing at Conversation Media.

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